France's End of Game Statement from Game "Chopin"

Broadcast message from France in 'chopin':

Congratulations to Mozart/Dan Shoham/Austria!

  Well, I figured out your identity from your recent posts here and
in r.g.d, where you used the same type of tables discussing some
probabilities... Anyhow, I still don't agree it was a 100% win,
which I would equate with a forced win, but rather an almost-certain
win, but I guess that's just an argument about terms.

  Anyhow, I joined as France with only 2 centers, and Mozart helped
me get Marseilles back, and then we tried -- succesfully it turns
out -- to keep Lowland and England from stalemating us for a draw.
Unfortunately, they did not make life easy for us, and we took chances
which would make me lose centers to Austria if they defended a
certain way, and they always did. If they had retreated faster,
or chosen differently, I would not have handed over my centers to
Austria, and things may have turned out differently. As it is, I
accomplished my primary goal -- that of survival -- though I never
thought it would be by gaining Liverpool. Thanks go to England for

  Well, there is not much more to say... Dan, don't forget you owe
me some nice words in your EOG statement! :)

  Minister for Irish Fisheries
  New York Times Correspondant
  ex-Minister for French Cultural Expansionism
  ex-Minister for Franco-Iberian Affairs
  ex-Minister for Spanish Architecture

  aka Vincent Mous

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