All right. Did you look for a winning move for France? You didn't find one. What's that? I heard a suggestion. Ah. Someone suggests,
FRANCE: Mun-Sil, Lvn-Pru, Kie-Ber, Bal S Kie-Ber.
This is a good point. It is an important move-fragment. This move guarantees that France will take Berlin. There is really only one plausible completion:
F StP-Lvn, F GoB S F StP-Lvn, F Nwy S A Fin-StP, A Fin-StP, A Hol-Kie, A Bur-Mun, A Ruh S A Bur-Mun, A Par-Bur, A Pie-Tyr.
Let's call this move, "French Attack", or just "FA".
Yes indeed, this is a plausible move. Is it a forced win for France? No, it
is not. Now, take
a few moments to find the best reply for Austria.
Click here when your pencil is back on your desk.