Well, here we are again. Before turning you loose to dive into the fine assortment of articles we have this issue, there are a few things to report in the way of progress. So let's get right to them and dispense with the preliminaries as quickly as possible, shall we?
We've also started to put some serious effort into the other sections of The Pouch. For example, look for the unveiling of World and Continental championship tournament results from past years -- coming soon. We're also looking to finally get the Showcase section moving. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to be the councillor for the Showcase section is welcome to apply. We can provide you with instant fame, fortune, and editing tasks. Well, okay, no fortune, but two out of three ain't bad, right?
The hobby awards had always been PBM-centric (until last year, when I was completely shocked to be nominated for and then actually to receive the Don Miller Memorial Award). I found that the other committee members were still very much in the dark when it came to PBEM Diplomacy. In fact, this was one reason I was asked to sit on the committee. I had to correct an unfortunate misapprehension that there is no literary contribution by electronic Zines. I like to think that the Zine you see before you is a very strong counter-example.
The result of the votes was that PBEM hobby activity will be eligible for certain of the awards (most notably, the Rod Walker award for literary work) beginning next year. In the meantime, the nominations for the current year came out and all the Rod Walker nominees were for articles in Diplomacy World.
Personally, I still feel that both hobbies would be served well by the addition of some new PBEM-only awards, and I hope to create such a set soon. Not to distance the PBEM hobby from the PBM hobby, but to ensure that those who contribute to the hobby at large have ample chance for recognition.
I've been over this once before, in a previous "About The Pouch" article, so at least the thought is still alive. Someday, hopefully soon, you'll see some action from me on this point. Anyone who is interested in helping is invited to drop me a line.
On a related note, I confess that I don't understand the Runestone Poll, since The Pouch made a respectable debut appearance last year (surprising me by even being on the list) but doesn't show up anywhere this year. Perhaps there is a nomination process I don't know about, or perhaps the Runestone Poll has decided to concentrate only on all the fine work being done in the Postal 'zines.
Pitt would have been on-hand to defend his North American Championship in Seattle had he not been laid up by ill health. At the time of this writing, Pitt is still recovering with some difficulty (you will notice that there is no "Big Dipper" column in the current issue).
What I would like to ask is that each and every Pouch reader -- and there are thousands of you -- flood Pitt's e-mail account with your best wishes for his speedy return to health. Let the past World and North American Champion know that the hobby's thoughts are with him. Pitt's e-mail address is pittc@syncon.com, and I would greatly appreciate your sending him a note. I know he will too.
I'm glad to be able to climb back in the publisher's chair that he kept so warm for me last time, and, as always, I hope you enjoy the latest issue of the Pouch Zine.
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Manus Hand Publisher (manus@diplom.org) |
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