Summary of game gnat through F1905M.

Summary of game gnat through F1905M.

  Austria:       Steven McLeod
   from F1903B:  Sean Starkey
  England:       Julian Carow         CAROW@OSSENU.ASTRO.NWU.EDU
   from F1902B:  Jones Perri          LISTSERV.NPIH@MAIL.NPI.UCLA.EDU
   from F1904R:  Nicholas Fitzpatrick
   from S1905M:  Jones Perri          LISTSERV.NPIH@MAIL.NPI.UCLA.EDU
  France:        John Woolsey
  Germany:       Michael McKavanagh
   from S1905M:  Scott Davis
  Italy:         Todd M. Lidh         LIDHT@GUVM.BITNET
   from S1904M:  Rick Simonds         SIMONDSR@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU
  Russia:        Dan Shoham 
  Turkey:        Nicholas Barone

Game parameters are/were as follows:

Move    clock 1410 min 12.00 next  72.00 grace 168.00 delay 0.50 days --TWTF-
Retreat clock   -1 min  0.00 next  24.00 grace  72.00 delay 0.50 days --TWTF-
Adjust  clock   -1 min  0.00 next  24.00 grace  72.00 delay 0.50 days --TWTF-

Access:  Different-site, Level: Any, Moderated.
Variant: Standard.
Flags:   NoNMR, NoProxy.
Press:   White, No Fake Broadcast.

Historical Supply Center Summary
    Ven Nap Edi Lvp Par Por Bel Mun Ber Swe Stp Mos Con Smy Rum Ser Vie
Year  Rom Tun Lon Bre Mar Spa Hol Kie Den Nor War Sev Ank Bul Gre Bud Tri
1900 I I I . E E E F F F . . . . G G G . . . R R R R T T T . . . . A A A
1901 I I I I E E E F F F F . G . G G G G R E R R R R T T T T R A A A A A
1902 I I I I E G E F F F F F G G G G G G R R R R R R T T T T R T R A A A
1903 I I I I R G E F F G F F G G G G G G R R R R R R T R T R R A R R R A
1904 I F I I R G R F F G F F G G G G G G R R R R R R R R R R R A R R R I
1905 I I F I R R R F F I F F G R R G G R R R R R R R R R R R R A R R R R

History of Supply Center Counts
Power    1900 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05                   Player
Austria     3   5   3   2 \                         Steven McLeod
                            1   1                   Sean Starkey
England     3   4   2 \                             Julian Carow
                        1 \                         Jones Perri
                                                    Nicholas Fitzpatrick
France      3   4   5   4   5*  5                   John Woolsey
Germany     3   5   7   8   8 \                     Michael McKavanagh
                                3                   Scott Davis
Italy       3   4   4   4 \                         Todd M. Lidh
                            4   4                   Rick Simonds
Russia      4   6   8  13* 16  21                   Dan Shoham
Turkey      3   4   5   2                           Nicholas Barone
Index:     10  21  27  39  51  70

* = 1 unused build.

Index is the sum of squares of the number of supply centers divided by the
number of players.  It is a measure of how far the game has progressed.

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