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The Zine

Fall 2000 Movement Issue

Your Publisher: About The Diplomatic Pouch
Guest editor Ry4an Brase apologizes profusely for the tardiness of this issue.

Clinton Wolf: Eye of the Storm: A Study of the Centrifuge in the Game 'chaos2'
Clinton brings us his promised follow-up article that describes the successful use of the centrifuge, an opening he first pitched in the Spring 1999 Retreat issue.

Brandon Clarke: Growing Up
Brandon continues in his misguided attempt to make his competition into better players.

Bruce Duewer: Machiavelli: The Power of the Purse
In part five of his series on Machiavelli, Bruce addresses when and how to spend on a bribe.

Simon Szykman: Diplomacy Boardgame Trivia
Simon's research on the topic of the Diplomacy boardgame has led to a compilation of an extensive collection of information about the various editions of the game. Come try your hand at a set of trivia questions he has put together.

Chris Martin: Martin on Diplomacy: Play to Win
Chris uses a quiz and more than his fair share of exclamation marks to help you steer towards the win.

Steve Ray: Winning With Italy
Steve Ray pitches the notion that Italy isn't the short straw after all.

Simon Szykman: Three Variants Reviewed
Simon reviews the latest in Diplomacy-related commercial offerings -- three new variants published by Stupendous Games: Ard-Ri, Classical Diplomacy and Hundred.

Robert Steinke: Tournament Tie Breakers
Bob, fresh off his wedding to Manus's sister, presents a YARS friendly system for breaking ties in DIAS tournaments.

Joshua Randall: The Six Traits of the Advanced Diplomacy Player
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People it isn't (Thank God!), but Joshua has collected a list of attributes which are undeniably handy to possess when playing our favorite game.

Joe Brennan: What is a Newbie?
When is a newbie not a newbie? How do you graduate to intermediate? These questions answered, plus more.

The Editor and the Readership: Pouch Deposits
Mail from our readers -- and sent using 100% recycled electrons too.

Andrew Goff: The Sweden Situation
Andrew Goff tells Germany why Russia should get Sweden and Russia how to convince Germany to leave well enough alone.

B. Hester: The Lotus Blossom
The variant's creator offers a look at opening strategies for the Chosokabe Clan in the Sengoku variant.

Brendan McClure: The Rocky Lepanto
Brendan explains why he thinks the Italian should go through Munich to get to France, and early at that.

Edi Birsan: Reflections From Downunder
Edi Birsan's review of his trip to Sydney, Australia for the 2000 New South Wales Diplomacy Championship.

Ray Setzer: Announcing the 2000 WorldMaster's Tournament
The Worldmasters email tournament is back, and this time it's using the DPJudge. Read all about it in Ray's press release.

Tim Miller: WDC X: A Report From the Hammered Position
Tim Miller got pummeled at World DipCon in August, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Here Tim explains how his email prowess left him not fully prepared for the beast that is Face to Face play.

David Degville: User's Guide to the JDPR
David helps to tame the monster that is the JDPR rating system. Now you can know not just that Jorge Llambias will trounce you, but to what extent.

David Norman and Brandon Clarke: Why We See Things the Way We Do
A brief history of how the Face to Face Diplomacy hobbies on three continents came to be so different, and how to see your hobby the way the others do.

David Norman and Brandon Clarke: Location of WDC in 2003 and Beyond
For the first time in many years, WDC XII in 2002 will not continue the pattern of alternating between Europe and North America. This article discusses where WDC should rejoin this alternating pattern when it returns to the Northern hemisphere.

Derek Pillie: Blue Water Lepanto Revisited
Derek looks at using the Blue Water Lepanto as Austria and with Italy's knowledge.

Brandon Clarke: The Cult of Cubisology
Brandon regales us with tales of drinking and Diplomacy at one of his recent tournament wins.

Edi Birsan: Tournament Practices: Contrasts in Extremes
Edi delineates the differences between tournaments around the world and in the process provides a nice guide which shows what to expect at any tournament to which you might be headed.

Joe Brennan: So, You Think You're a Diplomat?
Joe points out some extraordinary acts of Diplomacy from the past, and presents you with a challenge or two.

B. Hester: Winning with France in Colonial
Benjamin tries to make the impossible into something merely improbable.

Larry Peery: A History of World DipCon
Larry is back with his as-always unique Peerispective on the Diplomacy hobby.

Edi Birsan: Team Tournaments
Edi looks into how team tournaments are currently run and what additional tricks we could play with them.

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