...It Came from Outer Space!
by Dan Percival, with major rewrite help
from Dan Shoham, Eric Poolman, and Rick Desper
I have been involved in a couple of discussions about whether or not
the Diplomacy board is naturally biased to certain powers and alliances.
The Pure variant is an attempt to make a perfectly even game, but a wrong
guess can mean a very short game for a particular player. Besides which,
we don't get to play on our favorite game board....
"...It Came From Outer Space!" is an attempt to make a completely level,
unbiased game that still brings to play all the subtlety and manuverings
of the Standard board. Another advantage it offers is that it may be
played by an unlimited and unspecified number of players greater than one.
The time is 6782 nanorotations of the galaxy since the first spacefaring
creatures reached a tentative tentacle to grasp for the stars. The passage
of time since then has been marked by peaceful colonization and expansion,
punctuated by the occasional disputed claim. Effective cloaking devices
have made warfare in space impossible, and the rare wars that have been fought
have taken place on the surface of the various disputed planets. Barren
planets -- the only
kind ever found -- are plentiful and not usually worth fighting for; the
process of making them habitable is so costly that the resources extracted
barely recover the expenses. Additionally, the populations that such
planets can support are negligible.
The various galactic empires, with their populations bulging, are in
serious danger of decline and fall. All are sure that the first empire to
discover and colonize a habitable planet will be well positioned to
reverse its decline and soon dominate the galaxy....
On one small and otherwise nondescript planet, the population is celebrating
the dawn of a new
century. Certain inventors are just beginning to dream of atmospheric
flight, and others have begun to experiment with electricity and
radio. Little do they know that these experiments are being detected deep in
space and are attracting attention. The chance to colonize a habitable planet
is more than any race can afford to pass up, and it should be no wonder that
races from all across the galaxy are converging on this planet called Earth
with colonization plans and armies to enforce them. Some races plan to
cooperate, while others are preparing for all-out war....
- 1. Scope
- All rules, including victory conditions, are as in standard Diplomacy,
except as follows.
- Any number of players may play the game, each taking the role of the
leader of a Galactic Empire.
- The game starts with an empty standard game map. In addition, each
Empire possesses one spacecraft in orbit, bearing three armies.
- 2. Spacecraft
- A spacecraft in orbit may contain up to three armies at any time.
- Spacecraft may only contain armies of their own empire.
- Armies occupying a spacecraft in orbit may either hold or beam
down to any land province. No other order is allowed.
- An army beaming down may be supported by other units. If other
units are attempting to enter the province, the unit with the
most uncut supports get through. In a tie, all units bounce.
(Same as a normal Diplomacy movement.)
- Armies on a land space may beam up to a spacecraft
during the movement phase.
- Fleets may not be beamed (battleships are just too heavy).
- 3. Colonization
- Natives of the land provinces may be introduced to the alien race
culture, industry, and technology. This process is called
- A unit may be ordered in the movement phase to colonize
either the land province it is in or any land province to which it
could legally move.
- A colonization attempt succeeds if the province in question is
occupied by the colonizing empire at the end of that turn.
- A colonization attempt also succeeds if the province in question
is vacant at the end of the turn and no other empire attempted
colonization or movement into that province that turn.
- Once a colonization effort succeeds, the province becomes a colony
of the colonizing empire. It loses all colonial attachments it
may have had in the past. This is the only way (other than elimination
of the colonizing power) to destroy a colony.
- The colonize order does not
change the ownership of a supply center for counting up centers for
- 4. Jamming
- Armies may not attempt to beam down into provinces
that are colonized by other empires. Only an army owned by the same
power to have colonized a province may attempt to beam down to such a
province. This is known as "jamming."
- Units that are not protected by being in a jamming colony may be
attacked from outer space. Any support being offered by the unit
being attacked will be cut per standard Diplomacy rules.
- 5. Retreats
- Armies may retreat only to orbiting spacecraft or to colonies of
their empire.
- Fleets may retreat only to sea zones or to colonies of their empire.
- 6. Adjustments
- Supply center ownership is determined after each Fall season in the
usual way, and units are built or removed according to standard rules
as modified here.
- New units may only be built in unoccupied supply centers that are
both owned and colonized by the building empire.
- When an empire is eliminated, any colonies it owns revert
to their original neutral status (that is, all empires may beam
down into them, and no empire may retreat to them).
- The colony status of a supply center province does not affect
ownership, but it is important to realize that if an Empire has
no colonized supply centers, it cannot build, regardless of how many supply
centers it owns.
- 7. Notes
- One quirk of small (2-6 player) games is that growth tends to be
exponential until room on the board starts to run out. Thus, it is very
important to get a quick hold on supply centers and colonize them early
on to give yourself a stable base to work from.
- It is impossible to have more than three armies after the growth phase
of the first year.
- For purposes of writing orders, spacecraft in orbit are designated as
Orbit or ORB.
- The Colonize order (also known as "brainwash" or "assimilate") can be
abbreviated as COL.
If you have any questions about this variant or adjudication, or if
you have any suggestions to make for future versions, please feel free
to contact the creator at
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