Number of wins: | 0 |
Number of 3-way draws: | 1 |
Number of 4-way draws: | 2 |
Number of 5-way draws: | 1 |
Number of eliminations: | 16 |
Most Used Opening: | Mornor, Irish Variant | 28 times |
Second Most Used Opening: | Channel Crossing, Irish Variant | 12 times |
Though Britain has not had any wins until now, it is also not the least successful power in Modern. That title belongs to Germany and Ukraine. Britain also has a chance of winning in a few games and will surely get more draws in the near future. An interesting thing is that Britain has never built in Gibraltar in any of the finished games, but it has managed to do so in at least 3 games currently being played - gun1994, modsquad and frontlin. These are 3 of the current games in which Britain is doing best.
The opening situation for Britain is quit clear-cut, with over 75% of games using one of the two most popular. The fact that Britain did not use these openings in any of the 3 games it managed to build in Gibraltar may be telling.
Game | Opening Used | Year | # SCs | Placement |
Milan | Mornor (Irish V) | 2013 | 25 | 1st tied |
Modsquad | Spanish Fly | 2008 | 17 | 2nd |
Gun1994 | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 2007 | 16 | 2nd |
Norm7 | Mornor (Irish V) | 2000 | 8 | 2nd |
Modt97a | Mornor (Irish V) | 2001 | 9 | 2nd tied |
Asterix Le Gaulois | IRA Attack | 1995 | 4 | 2nd tied |
Hryvna | Gibraltar Sidestep | 1995 | 4 | 2nd tied |
Renard | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 1995 | 4 | 2nd tied |
Taunt3 | Mornor (Irish V) | 2001 | 8 | 3rd |
Modern5 | Mornor (Irish V) | 1998 | 7 | 3rd tied |
Frontlin | Mornor (Atlantic V) | 2002 | 12 | 4th |
Norm11 | Mornor (Irish V) | 1999 | 7 | 4th |
Euro97 | Mornor (Irish V) | 1997 | 7 | 4th tied |
Milos | Mornor (Irish V) | 1998 | 7 | 4th tied |
Modern | Gibraltar Sidestep | 2000 | 8 | 5th |
Modgame | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 1999 | 7 | 5th |
Spades | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 2002 | 6 | 5th |
Oo | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 1999 | 6 | 5th tied |
Sard | Mornor (Irish V) | 2008 | 6 | 6th |
Modhof96 | Mornor (Irish V) | 1999 | 5 | 6th |
Perot | Mornor (Irish V) | 2006 | 2 | 6th |
Spring96 | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 1999 | 6 | 6th tied |
Modt97b | Mornor (Irish V) | 1999 | 5 | 6th tied |
Hamburg | Mornor (Irish V) | 2001 | 3 | 7th |
Izmir2 | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 2001 | 5 | 8th |
Eric | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | 1997 | 5 | 8th tied |
Norway | Mornor (Irish V) | 1996 | 5 | 8th tied |
Academy4 | Mornor (Atlantic V) | 2009 | - | elim. |
Aurora | Mornor (Irish V) | 2006 | - | elim. |
Details | Rule Britannia | 2014 | - | elim. |
Euro96 | Mornor (Irish V) | 2006 | - | elim. |
Gdansk | Mornor (Irish V) | 2010 | - | elim. |
Minsk | Mornor (Irish V) | 2014 | - | elim. |
Nato | Mornor (Irish V) | 2006 | - | elim. |
Odessa | Mornor (Irish V) | 2019 | - | elim. |
Thisthat | Mornor (Irish V) | 2004 | - | elim. |
Game | Opening Used | Year | # SCs | Placement |
Blitzz | Mornor (Irish V) | BEP 2017 | 27 | 1st |
Lyon | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | BPST 2011 | 19 | 2nd |
Katras | Channel Crossing (Atlantic V) | BIPT 2012 | 11 | 4th |
Buchanan | Mornor (Irish V) | BEPSU 2022 | 5 | 4th tied |
Day2day | Gibraltar Sidestep | R 2007 | 3 | 5th |
Liarliar | The Rock | T 2007 | 9 | 3rd |
Lie2me | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | T 2007 | 15 | 2nd |
Seville | Mornor (Irish V) | I 2014 | 10 | 3rd |
Spartiku | Mornor (Irish V) | P 2004 | 1 | 6th |
Cairo | Mornor (Atlantic V) | SPIT 2010 | - | elim. |
Desire | Mornor (Irish V) | GSTU 2008 | - | elim. |
Despair | Mornor (Irish V) | FIR 2012 | - | elim. |
Dickens | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | EFG 2015 | - | elim. |
Euro95 | House of Lords | ERT 2023 | - | elim. |
Izmir | Channel Crossing (Irish V) | EIS 2005 | - | elim. |
Rostov | Mornor (Irish V) | I 2015 | - | elim. |
Britain: Fleet Liverpool -> North Atlantic Ocean.
Britain: Fleet Edinburgh -> North Sea.
Britain: Fleet London -> English Channel.
Britain: Fleet Gibraltar -> South Atlantic Ocean.
Essentially the same as the Channel Crossing, Irish Variant, discussed in the original article. Liverpool moves to the North Atlantic instead of the Irish Sea. This allows Britain to forego Ireland in 1995 and move to the Norwegian Sea to put extra pressure on Scandinavia should Russia move to block Britain from taking Norway.
Britain: Fleet Liverpool HOLD.
Britain: Fleet Edinburgh -> Norwegian Sea.
Britain: Fleet London -> North Sea.
Britain: Fleet Gibraltar -> Straits of Gibraltar.
The IRA attacks and manages to sabotage the British fleet in Liverpool? Why else would Britain not take Ireland in 1995? In any case, Ireland will still be British, and though this will slow Britain down, the damage caused wont be permanent. Maybe Britain can bargain for both Belgium and Norway since he wont be getting Ireland? Maybe his neighbours will consider him more fallible and thus less dangerous to ally with? A good diplomat can turn anything into an advantage.
Britain: Fleet Liverpool -> Irish Sea.
Britain: Fleet Edinburgh -> North Sea.
Britain: Fleet London -> English Channel.
Britain: Fleet Gibraltar HOLD.
Unlike the Spanish Fly, this is a blatant attempt by Britain to keep Gibraltar. The Channel fleet will almost surely go south the Mid-Atlantic to provide support. If Spain doesn't move Barcelona to Andalusia, then Gibraltar will remain British. Britain however will almost surely not be able to build there in 1995, making the position quite vulnerable in 1996. If Spain does move to Andalusia however, the Rock will be lost, and Britain wont even get Morocco as compensation...
Britain: Fleet Liverpool -> Irish Sea.
Britain: Fleet Edinburgh -> North Sea.
Britain: Fleet London -> English Channel.
Britain: Fleet Gibraltar -> Straits of Gibraltar.
"An insect, also called blister brittle. When dried and powdered, the Spanish fly has long been used as blistering agent or irritant, but also as an aphrodisiac, or love potion". - C.H. Curran, Collier's Encyclopedia.
With the opening move of Gibraltar to the Straits of Gibraltar instead of the South Atlantic, the British can pursue an alliance with Spain. The moves to the Channel and the North Sea could well ensure that France cannot take Belgium. Spain and Britain can then take on France full-force starting in 1996.
Instead of the love potion, the Spanish Fly opening can be used as an irritant towards Spain. Straits of Gibraltar could move back to Gibraltar, bouncing a now trusting Spain and allowing a British build there. The English Channel fleet, instead of going for Belgium, can also be sent south to the Mid-Atlantic to help protect Morocco and the South Atlantic, while applying pressure on Portugal. If the Gibraltar maneuver works and Britain builds a fleet in the South, Spain will be in real trouble.
![]() | Vincent Mous-Harboesgaard ( |
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