This Week In North American Diplomacy

by Buz Eddy

Editor's note: This article originally appeared as issue #206 on the North American Diplomacy Federation site on December 29th, 2006


2006 seemed to be one of the better years. The highlight for me was the re-awakening of mid-America. There was the vibrant group of Chicago area players led by Jim O'Kelley but many taking initiative to sustain and grow the activity. Chicago plans include a recruiting effort at a college game con and a Grand Prix tournament in June. A new event was announced for an Indiana suburb of Louisville KY, at the National Block Party Con chaired by Ric Manns, and Diplomacy prompted by Tom Pasko. The Minneapolis MNDip yahoogroup flickered to life after a two year dormancy, and has a game scheduled for early January. Columbus has hosted Origins at least since 1996, and the event has sustained interest in our game. Two of the Chicago players were already in my data base from prior play at Origins.

Elsewhere, Carolina Amateur Diplomats continue their 20+ year steady course. The Potomac Tea and Knife Society continues to organize play and fill cyber space with the most, on and off topic, commentary. New England is presenting a new Temple Con tournament produced and directed by Jim Burgess. Carnage gained more local support and plans to re-establish the Boston Massacre seem to be slowly forming. New England players make up the majority of Husky Con on Long Island.

The Bay Area Diplomacy Association continues to grow in numbers and depth. The Whipping featured an invasion of national players, but a solid non-traveling local player won. (Joshua Shank, it is time to venture out of the shadow of the Golden Gate). The Pacific Northwest is focused on the Vancouver BC WDC in August, and to that end is working together to re-invigorate Portland, Vancouver and to make sure that many northwest players gather to greet the national and international visitors.


Ten of the twelve 2006 have announced a 2007 iteration. Canuck Con and Carnage organizers have not sent information. Boston Massacre is likely to revive next cycle, Temple Con and WDC have been added.

Event Location Boards* Winner
WAC CON Seattle 13 Jim O'Kelley
PREZCON (DipCon) Charlottesville 13 Hohn Cho
CASCADE SUMMIT Portland 6 Nathan Barnes
KUBLA CON Burlingame 7 Louis Abronson
DIXIECON Chapel Hill 10 Jim O'Kelley
ORIGINS Columbus 6 Robert Zahn
HUSKYCON Long Island 10 Jonathan Hill
CANUCK CON Surrey 8 Micah Krabill
DRAGONFLIGHT Seattle 9 David Norman
B.A.D. ASS. WHIPPING Oakland 11 Joshua Shank
TEMPEST Woodbridge 8 Chris Martin
CARNAGE BY THE LAKE Fairlee 6 Graham Woodring

* - Number of boards in 3 largest rounds


Jim O'Kelley won the title. He won two of the first five Grand Prix tournaments and led wire to wire. Eric Mead, Andy Bartalone, and David Maletsky all stayed close enough to challenge if Jim faltered badly, but he did not.

The entire 2006 Grand Prix table is at


This is the first year since 2001 that there has been more than one player elected as an All-Star. The public voting opened July 1 and Doug Moore took the early lead. Doug Moore had to tend to the business of guiding a campaign through early November, and Nathan Barnes entered December with a slight lead. The last month had a flurry of votes the week before the public voting closed December 20. The Elector ballots were emailed to the 14 electors at 12:01 AM Dec 21, and it was quickly determined that a majority favored both Moore and Barnes.

The seven original candidates in the process are selected by having achieved the highest ratings of during the year. Any player achieving the level of the lowest of those is added as a candidate. Jim O'Kelley was added with his two tournament wins and two other good performances. O'Kelley gained enough popular support to finish 4th in the public voting.


The Grand Prix for next year has these events so far:

WAC Con — January 18-21 Nathan Barnes ( Seattle
TempleCon — February 16-18 Jim Burgess ( Providence
Prez Con — February 23-25 Tim Richardson ( Charlottesville
Piggyback — April 27-29 Jeff Dwornicki ( Portland
DixieCon — May 25-27 David Hood ( Chapel Hill
KublaCon — May 25-27 Edi Birsan ( Burlingame
Weasel Moot — June 8-10 Jim O'Kelley ( Chicago
Origins — July 5-8 Dan Mathias ( Columbus
Dragonflight — August 4-5 Buz Eddy ( Seattle
WDC/DipCon — August 9-12 Nathan Barnes ( Seattle
HuskyCon — August 17-19 Woodring family ( Long Island
Tempest — October 6-7 Tim Richardson ( Woodbridge
Whipping — October 13-14 Adam Silverman ( Oakland



January 18th thru 21st
Washington Athletic Club
Seattle, Washington
Contact — Nathan Barnes ( )


February 16-18
Providence, Rhode Island
Contact — Jim Burgess ( )


February 23-25
Charlottesville, Virginia
Contact — Tim Richardson ( )


SEATTLE: Next MSG game Jan 6. WACCon Jan 18-21.

POTOMAC: Recruiting and planning travel to PrezCon.

BAY AREA: Discussions of rule paradox and recruiting for the August WDC "up north"?.

CHICAGO: December 23 game originally set for O'Kelley's was relocated to Greg Duenow's. John Ritz, Jim O'Kelley, Paul Pignotti, and Dan Burgess

NEW ENGLAND: Jim Burgess is running a Diplomacy tournament at the Tempe Con in Providence in February.


2007 World Diplomacy Championships four day event August 9-12 at the University of British Columbia opens in 194 days. Nathan Barnes reported the entry fee is likely to be $50 Can.


Included here are those playing in 2006 and ending the year with a NADF Masterpoint title.

TOP 7 NADF Masterpoint winners

Player Start Title End Title Points
Eric Mead 179.46 m3 249.69 m3 70.23
Jim O'Kelley 25.57 e3 95.72 m1 70.15
Andy Bartalone 192.75 m3 258.85 m3 66.10
Edi Birsan 223.62 m3 280.31 m3 56.69
Doug Moore 178.03 m3 229.58 m3 51.55
David Maletsky 164.76 m3 214.23 m3 49.47
Nathan Barnes 131.66 m2 176.24 m2 44.58

2006 Active NADF Masterpoint title holders

Player Name 12/31/2005 Masterpoints 12/31/2006 Masterpoints Masterpoints Gained
Louis Abronson 0.15 ---- 34.43 e3 34.28
Jacob Addelson 9.67 e2 22.90 e2 13.23
Cesar Alvarez 11.42 e1 22.06 e3 10.64
Alex Amann 18.14 e3 32.22 m1 14.08
Nathan Barnes 131.66 m2 176.24 m2 44.58
John Barringer 4.20 ---- 7.29 e2 3.09
Andy Bartalone 192.75 m3 258.85 m3 66.10
Brad Basden 75.20 m1 101.86 m2 26.66
Nick Benedict 36.64 ---- 50.33 m1 13.69
Edi Birsan 223.62 m3 280.31 m3 56.69
Scott Bowling 7.88 ---- 13.79 e2 5.91
Ron Bracken 14.92 ---- 29.26 e2 14.34
Dan Byars ---- ---- 23.35 e3 23.35
Chris Campbell 55.97 m1 60.87 m1 4.90
Nathan Campbell 8.12 e1 12.28 e1 4.16
Anthony Contos 3.07 ---- 10.03 e1 6.96
Michael Costalas 6.92 e1 17.12 e3 10.20
Colin Davis 9.64 e2 13.29 e2 3.65
Hudson Defoe 11.89 e2 12.01 e2 0.12
Rick Desper 149.87 m2 158.04 m3 8.17
Greg Duenow ---- ---- 12.88 e2 12.88
Jeff Dwornicki 119.67 m1 129.36 m1 9.69
Luke Dwyer 29.68 e3 42.94 m1 13.26
Brian Ecton 80.18 m2 105.70 m2 25.52
Buz Eddy 59.21 m2 92.16 m2 32.95
Carl Ellis 33.78 m1 44.28 m1 10.50
Ben Ferguson ---- ---- 8.94 e2 8.94
JT Fest 121.05 m1 148.42 m1 27.37
Lori Fleming 52.39 e3 58.03 e3 5.64
Siobhan Granvold 29.88 e3 48.21 m1 18.33
Mike Hall 42.41 e2 45.83 e2 3.42
Tim Harrison 31.75 e2 46.38 e3 14.63
Gregg Harry 49.78 m1 64.24 m1 14.46
Edward Hawthorne 118.26 m1 131.27 m1 13.01
Jonathan Hill 19.53 e3 41.74 e3 22.21
Tom Hilton 81.09 m2 94.65 m2 13.56
Bob Holt 40.76 m1 47.14 m1 6.38
Nathaniel Holzgrafe 14.36 e1 41.33 m1 26.97
Kai Hsieh ---- ---- 21.57 e3 21.57
Eric Hunter 13.14 e2 13.34 e2 0.20
Jonathan Keith 0.58 ---- 10.08 e2 9.50
Andrew Klock 0.70 ---- 5.43 e1 4.73
Micah Krabill 11.66 e2 35.21 e2 23.55
Mary Kuhner 97.19 m2 118.82 m2 21.63
Jeff Ladd 59.19 m1 74.85 m1 15.66
David Leary 14.84 e2 26.84 e3 12.00
Brian Lee 28.08 e3 41.60 m1 13.52
Darin Leviloff 9.96 e1 12.97 e1 3.01
Lionel Levine ---- ---- 24.77 e1 24.77
David Maletsky 164.76 m3 214.23 m3 49.47
Marc Malone ---- ---- 3.98 e1 3.98
Chris Mann 28.66 e3 37.10 m1 8.44
Jake Mannix 188.94 m3 224.61 m3 35.67
Andy Marshall 134.45 m2 145.09 m2 10.64
Chris Martin 107.61 m1 135.71 m1 28.10
Corey Mason 62.06 m1 75.86 m1 13.80
Doug Massey 29.97 m1 36.68 m1 6.71
Dan Mathias ---- ---- 16.41 e2 16.41
Steve Maurich 13.19 e2 17.45 e3 4.26
Steve Mauris 33.15 e3 39.35 m1 6.20
Jeffrey McDonald 8.28 e1 14.32 e2 6.04
Eric Mead 179.46 m3 249.69 m3 70.23
Doug Moore 178.03 m3 229.58 m3 51.55
B.C. Murdock 5.60 e1 8.77 e2 3.17
Andrew Neumann 128.86 m2 142.91 m2 14.05
Melissa Nicholson 65.32 m1 76.09 m1 10.77
Jim O'Kelley 25.57 e3 95.72 m1 70.15
Joseph Onorati 7.33 e1 17.72 e2 10.39
Eric Ozog 7.63 e1 17.11 e3 9.48
David Palumbo 7.10 e1 7.48 e1 0.38
Christian Pedone 23.72 e1 39.62 m1 15.90
Evan Perlman 2.96 ---- 5.08 e1 2.12
Jeremiah Peterson ---- ---- 16.32 e2 16.32
Ike Porter 48.58 m1 59.92 m1 11.34
Edward Prem 12.04 ---- 21.99 e1 9.95
Bruce Ray 35.55 e3 38.84 e3 3.29
Michael Reese ---- ---- 4.50 e1 4.50
Tim Richardson 39.05 e2 61.63 e3 22.58
Roy Rink 38.81 e3 42.72 e3 3.91
Tim Rollins 24.87 e3 28.05 e3 3.18
Brad Rosman 47.79 m1 64.01 m1 16.22
Steve Ross 14.44 e1 23.46 e3 9.02
Daryl Rue 4.98 e1 5.22 e1 0.24
Jon Saul 69.31 e3 81.85 e3 12.54
Doug Scott 85.48 m2 90.24 m2 4.76
Joshua Shank 51.52 m1 74.27 m1 22.75
Brian Shelden 103.52 m2 109.65 m2 6.13
Matt Shields 96.05 m1 132.27 m1 36.22
Adam Sigal 42.01 e3 52.13 e3 10.12
Adam Silverman 86.92 m2 109.89 m2 22.97
Mike Snively 19.22 e3 31.13 e3 11.91
Ben Teixeira 14.02 e1 17.79 e1 3.77
Len Tennant 42.93 e2 58.06 e2 15.13
Greg Tripp 7.14 e1 10.41 e1 3.27
Jack Twilley 14.92 e1 18.93 e1 4.01
Riaz Virani 51.12 e2 67.23 e2 16.11
Rob Vollman 15.01 e1 28.92 e1 13.91
David Watson ---- ---- 10.26 e2 10.26
Stephen Weingarten 34.20 e3 34.97 e3 0.77
Joseph Wheeler 89.86 m2 92.88 m2 3.02
Conrad Woodring 58.65 e1 65.28 e1 6.63
Graham Woodring 54.52 e2 67.99 e2 13.47
Eric Yarnell 36.45 m1 43.57 m1 7.12
Chris Young 3.98 ---- 10.68 e1 6.70

Buz Eddy

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