arXiv search (mathematics only)
Gmail (basic html version) No longer exists. Bad Google.
pdftk examples
vWDC Discord server invite link
A keyboard layout (partially) optimised for LaTeX.
various tech solutions
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Melbourne Links

Melbourne Radar
MathSciNet (UniMelb proxy link).
UniMelb library catalogue, (advanced search)
Unimelb class timetable
Pure Masters Courses

UQ Links

Academic Calendar
MathSciNet (UQ proxy link).
How to set up Evolution to handle UQ email (the offical documentation is incorrect)
Bus route 66
Campus Travel (UQ only link)
SMP website login (UQ SMP only)

Sydney Links

Sydney Weather Forecast
Sydney Radar
Sydney Bus Route Maps
Bike Map (City of Sydney) (pdf). Hard copy free in public libraries.