Monthly Archives: February 2019

Latex in WordPress

To activate Latex support in this blog, I have now activated the QuickLatex plugin. This has solved the problems with vertical alignment of mathematics that previously plagued this blog (only in new posts using QuickLatex, the back catalogue has not been converted).

The plugin webpage linked above shows its usage (for both posts and comments), allowing Latex to be typed natively once the word “latexpage” in square parentheses appears (so no inserting of the word “latex” after a dollar symbol anymore).

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Filed under maths, meta

The binary tetrahedral group as a p-adic Galois group.

Let G be the binary tetrahedral group. This group appears as the double cover of the group of rotations of the tetrahedron (under SU(2)\to SO(3)), as a group of units in an appropriate \mathbb{Z}-form of the quaternion group, or as SL_2(\mathbb{F}_3).

Consider a local field of residue characteristic p. Now consider the Galois group of a finite Galois extension. It has a large pro-p part, together with two cyclic parts corresponding to the tamely ramified part and the unramified part. This structure alone shows that G cannot be such a group unless p=2.

Alternatively, every 2-dimensional irreducible representation of the Galois group of a local field of odd residue characteristic is induced, and G has no index two subgroups, so again cannot occur as a Galois group when p is odd.

So what about when p is even? By considering the fixed field of a Sylow-2-subgroup, we see that if G appears as a Galois group, then it is the Galois closure of a degree 8 extension.

Now the degree 8 extensions of \mathbb{Q}_2 are finite and number and have all been computed, together with their Galois groups. They can be found at this online database. A quick examination shows that our binary tetrahedral group does not appear.

But it does appear as an inertia group. So G is not a Galois group over \mathbb{Q}_2, but is a Galois group over the unramified quadratic extension of \mathbb{Q}_2.

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Filed under maths