Oaxaca Photos (December 2019)

I picked up my old phone and decided to try turning it on again. And after charging it, I was surprised, it turned on for the first time in 18 months. I guess the remedy for fixing a water damaged phone is to just wait a long long time.

This means I got access to some photos that I thought were previously lost, and I’ll present some of them here today.

Our trip begins in Oaxaca City, where I was visiting Banff in Mexico. First up, we have a visit to Monte Albán, an archaeological site on top of a hill right next to the city itself.

Next we see a scene in the city. A wedding party is marching down the street.

Now there is a picture of myself, to convince you that I actually was there.

That picture and the rest of the pictures below were all taken at Hierve El Agua.

Part 2 of Mexican photos coming soon.

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